
I refuse to let money be a barrier, and I also believe that in healing we invest in ourselves the energy of giving and that exchange is important, so I offer a 3 part pricing structure with standard, subsidised and pay-it-forward options.

I have also found a way through grace to offer powerful supports in a very short time-frames, which allows me to offer micro-sessions at an affordable rate for those needing a boost but also to protect the purse-strings. 

You would be amazed at what we can achieve in 10 minutes. Your body will continue to integrate what it receives in that time for 48 hours or more. Sometimes the simplest adjustments in body or perspective bring about the most powerful results. 

Prices are listed as Subsidised/Standard/Pay it Forward. To request a subsidy, get in touch. 

10 minutes - $15/$33/$50
25 minutes - $30/$50/$70
45 minutes - $55/$77/$99
55 minutes - $65/$95/$120
90 minutes - $125/$155/$188

Also, please don’t hesitate to ask what my family and I might need in the way of goods and services.

I am so grateful for the “pay-it-forward’ donations and recurring donations that I receive from individuals, businesses and families. You make it possible for me to help members of our community who are desperately in need. 

Thank you for being a part of this movement of healing and generosity. Thank you for giving from the heart. Thank you for valuing yourself and for valuing me.

You will be so glad that you did. 

You can apply for an Initial Consultation here